Roma 23 November 2012 00:00
Finmeccanica signed today an innovative Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy to launch, for the first time in Italy, the "Ticket to Work" project.
"Ticket to Work" was created with the objective of facilitating the transition from school to work for the younger generations through the use of skills acquired by young people in the most varied work experiences: in Italy and abroad, part-time and full-time, formal and less formal such as internships, seasonal and odd jobs.
Finmeccanica and both Ministries consider work culture to be a central element in the educational paths of instruction and training of young people and believe that, in this view, high value should be placed on the projects and all those experiences that are able to generate personal, civic and professional skills. They also agree on the importance of recognising previous experience and skills - professional and transversal - matured in the various contexts that are, by their very nature, the basis for a person's professional and value system development.
"The idea behind 'Ticket to Work' - explained the Chairman and CEO of Finmeccanica, Giuseppe Orsi - is to reward and recognise the value of each work experience, as a valuable source of personal and professional enrichment. Finmeccanica initiated the project as a contribution to the issues of youth employment and revival of 'know-how' culture. The core belief is that the company should play a vital role not only in the economic recovery of the country, but also in the development of its human capital. The basis of the project is the principle that work is a value and, as such, has and should receive social recognition. Through work - any work - obviously formal and regularly paid, 'Ticket to Work' allows young people to earn 'credits' that then become an important element of assessment for any future profession. In this way, the young will be integrated immediately into the production process. The 'credits' could also represent a 'valid collateral' to facilitate the mechanisms of access to loans and funding for the younger generations, thus facilitating the concrete planning of a professional and family future even in the absence of, or pending, a definite job."
The agreement signed today provides for the establishment of a Technical Committee composed of six members who will be responsible for promoting, monitoring and assessing the performance of activities provided under the Memorandum. Specifically, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Ministry of Education, University and Research, will help to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of the "Ticket to Work" project through: the involvement of educational and training institutions, of Higher Technical Institutes and stakeholders in the area; the connection with the interventions in the field of school-job alternation and of apprenticeship; the connection with the measures for the training of school and educational institution personnel; the valorisation of the learning acquired by the students; the implementation of pilot projects related to the "dual system" organisational models, especially on the apprenticeship paths.
Finmeccanica's commitment takes shape through the direct involvement of the Human Resources departments of the companies of the Group and of some of its suppliers that, in the recruitment and selection of staff, will build on previous experiences of micro work, seasonal work and odd jobs, giving them a sort of "credit": a "ticket", in fact, to enter the world of work.
The project is born, however, with the goal of giving itself a broader horizon - at the level of the national industry - managing to engage in a short timespan other important Italian companies, thus expanding nationally through wider participation of institutional actors and, prospectively, of industrial and financial partners.
Finmeccanica Press Office
Antonella De Montis
Mobile:. +39 335 8066164