Finmeccanica: supplemental health care services – signed the agreement between the Group and the Italian Steel Workers Trade Unions

Within the framework of the Company's welfare initiatives, an agreement was signed on 30 July between the Finmeccanica Group and the three National Secretaries of the FIM, FIOM and UILM Trade Union Confederations with the aim of extending supplemental health care services to all personnel of the Group.

Rome  31 July 2013 13:17

Within the framework of the Company’s welfare initiatives, an agreement was signed on 30 July between the Finmeccanica Group and the three National Secretaries of the FIM, FIOM and UILM Trade Union Confederations with the aim of extending supplemental health care services to all personnel of the Group.


This initiative prosecutes the participatory process initiated by the parties with the signing of the Finmeccanica Group Competitiveness Protocol last 16th of April and for the implementation of a new Industrial Relations model.


The agreement constitutes an important endorsement of the terms contained therein. Negotiations of the remaining specific sections of the Protocol will begin in the meeting scheduled for next 17th of September.