Rome 14 September 2015 12:59
- Total score improved compared to last year, thanks to better performance in supply chain management, corporate governance, compliance systems, environmental and social reporting
Finmeccanica is named to the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) World and Europe 2015, which reward the companies most committed to sustainability, marking the sixth consecutive year.
Through a dynamic methodology, based on a ‘raising the bar’ approach, the DJSI company assessment measures the companies response to new sustainability trends and stakeholder requests, taking into account improvements on a yearly basis.
Demanding assessment criteria on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are updated annually to reflect emerging sustainability challenges that companies are expected to cope with, driving long-term success. Finmeccanica admission to the DJSI since 2010 is therefore a clear recognition of our efforts on a continuous ESG processes improvement and devotion to the best business conduct practices.
The analysis performed by RobecoSAM, the Swiss sustainability rating agency in charge of the corporate annual review, highlights an higher Finmeccanica total score due to a better performance in supply chain management, in corporate governance, in compliance systems, in environmental and social reporting.
The admittance to the DJSI is an important achievement also within the Aerospace, Defence and Security sector. Beside Finmeccanica, in fact, only five companies were admitted to the DJSI World and in the DJSI Europe four are present in the whole.
Mauro Moretti, Finmeccanica CEO and General Manager, commented: “We are proud of this successful result that, consistently with our 5-year Industrial Plan objectives, confirms once again Finmeccanica ability to handle effectively global important challenges and comply with the highest standards of responsible management. This acknowledgment demonstrates the commitment of Finmeccanica to embed sustainability in our products, systems, technologies, industrial processes, business conduct practices and corporate culture and encourage us to further strengthen this approach in the future. Responsibility and transparency, together with solid economic-financial performances, are our drivers for long term value creation for our shareholders and all stakeholders”.