Rome 17 April 2014 18:18
In view of the forthcoming Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, which is convened for 9, 14 and 15 May, 2014, on first, second and third call respectively, and of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, convened for 9 and 15 May, 2014, on first and second call respectively, in order to appoint, among other matters, the members of the Board of Directors, Finmeccanica hereby informs that the list of candidates submitted by a group of asset management and institutional investors (together holding around a 1.427% share of Finmeccanica’s capital stock) and also by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (holding around a 30.204% share of Finmeccanica’s capital stock), complemented with the documentation and information required by existing regulations, are available to the public at Finmeccanica’s Rome headquarters, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and on Finmeccanica’s Website (, under the section “Shareholders’ Meeting 2014”).
Finmeccanica also informs that the Ministry of Economy and Finance shareholder has notified its intention to submit the following proposals at the General Meeting:
- Set at 11 (eleven) the number of members of the Board of Directors;
- Set at 3 (three) years the term in office of the Board of Directors to be appointed, expiring therefore at the Shareholders’ Meeting to be called to approve the financial statements at 31 December 2016;
- Appoint the candidate Giovanni De Gennaro Chairman of the Board of Directors.