Selex ES highlights successful apprenticeship scheme at Big Bang Fair 2013

Global technology provider Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, is proud to return this year to The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair to introduce the potential next generation of engineers to the exciting real world applications of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) subjects.

London  14 March 2013 12:14

Global technology provider Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, is proud to return this year to The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair to introduce the potential next generation of engineers to the exciting real world applications of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) subjects. Selex ES will be there to show off some of their top technologies including infra-red cameras and there will also be a number of current apprentices at the show to talk to children about the range of rewarding opportunities that they could take on in the future with the right experience and qualifications.


Boasting a current retention rate that has seen 95% of UK apprentices stay with the company at the end of their schemes, Selex ES understands the future of its high-tech business rests in the hands of the next generation of engineers. Dave John, who joined Selex ES as an apprentice, rose to take a number of senior positions at the company including vice-president of UK manufacturing and is now the general manager of one of Selex ES’s wholly owned overseas subsidiaries. Dave acknowledges how the scheme and his education were instrumental throughout his exciting and successful career; “My mechanical apprenticeship and post-graduate degree laid the foundations for my career at Selex ES and ultimately paved the way to my current role in overseeing the company’s new business venture in India”.


Selex ES currently has around 100 apprentices in the UK and the company’s apprenticeship programme has been rated as ‘outstanding’ by OFSTED.