Rome 14 June 2013 00:00
Relatively to Point 1.3 on the agenda of Finmeccanica’s Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting convened on the 3rd and 4th of July 2013, on first and second call respectively, Finmeccanica hereby informs that it has received a note from Assogestioni’s Investment Managers Committee Coordinator advising of the intention of a group of investment management firms and other institutional investors that sit on the aforesaid Committee, to propose at the Meeting the candidacy of Mr Dario Frigerio to replace outgoing Board member Christian Streiff.
It should be recalled that Board member Christian Streiff, who was elected from a minority list presented by a number of investment management firms and other institutional investors, recently tendered his resignation, which will be made effective the moment the Shareholders’ Meeting provides to replace him.
The aforesaid candidacy proposal and the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae are attached hereto.