Rome 09 October 2014 16:33
With reference to the verdict issued by the Busto Arsizio Court, the CEO and General Manager of Finmeccanica Mauro Moretti expressed his “satisfaction at the absence of any elements of international corruption”.
This verdict, together with the decree filed on last 25 July which acknowledged that Finmeccanica was not involved in any wrongdoing, releases Finmeccanica, once and for all, from the damage incurred to its image, internationally, over the past few years, allowing the company to recover the reputation that it deserves.
“Today’s verdict – continued Moretti – also allows us to reopen dialogue with the Indian institutions, which was interrupted as a result of the investigations linked to the supply of 12 AW101 VVIP helicopters to the Indian Ministry of Defence”.
Mr Moretti also said that he is “pleased that the positions of the two former managers involved in the case, Mr Orsi and Mr Spagnolini, have improved”