
In compliance with regulations on transparency of remunerations pursuant to Article 123-ter of Consolidated Act no. 58/1998, as well as in accordance with the contents and recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code, Leonardo’s Board of Directors annually proceeds with the approval of the Company’s policy on the remuneration of members of administration body, of general managers and other executives with strategic responsibilities, as well as of members of the control body (“Report on remuneration policy and fees paid”).

The first section of the Report – which contains an explanation of the aforementioned Policy as well as of the procedures used for approval and implementation thereof - is presented to the Shareholders’ Meeting, called to approve the Financial Statements of the year, for a binding vote.

The second section of the Report, which contains a detailed analysis of the compensation received by members of administration body as well as of general managers and other executives with strategic responsibilities during the previous year, is presented to the same Meeting for an advisory vote.

The Report also illustrates the shareholdings held by said parties in Leonardo or in its subsidiaries as at the reporting date.

Fees paid in 2023

Here you can find the table referring to the remuneration paid to the members of the Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors, the General Manager and other key Managers.