Rome 29 July 2015
Thales Alenia Space - as agent of the Enterprise Temporary Association established with Finmeccanica-Telespazio – has signed with ASI (the Italian Space Agency) an addendum to the contract for the COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation (CSG) programme. The further tranche is worth around 182 million Euro and will be employed to carry on the project activities. More in detail, Thales Alenia Space Italia’s share is 154 million Euros while Telespazio's activities are worth 28 million Euro.
As prime contractor of the CSG programme, Thales Alenia Space Italia is responsible for the development of the entire system, including the manufacturing of the two latest generation satellites it is made of, while Telespazio is in charge of the development of the ground segment as well as for the operations' integrated logistics.
This signing marks the beginning of Phase C4/D1 activities, needed to complete the whole system detailed design and to construct the on-board component including the related ground infrastructures (ground segment, operations and logistics). In particular the contract provides for: completion of the first satellite, integral development of the ground segment, supply of materials needed to manufacture the second satellite of the system.
To ensure continuity in services currently provided by COSMO-SkyMed First Generation Constellation – which is now fully operational - it is essential that the first Second Generation satellite be in orbit and operational within the first half of 2018 and the second satellite by the first half of 2019.
The development of COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation will be a true generational leap in terms of technology, performance and operational life of the system and, consequently, Italian leadership in the Earth Observation sector will be strengthened worldwide. This will also mean that international partnerships of strategic interest, like those already in place with France and Poland, will be expanded.