Extraordinary employee mobilisation in response to Coronavirus emergency

20 May 2020

The situation we are all living through will be engraved in our memories forever. This unprecedented global emergency has caught many of us by surprise and prompted crisis management teams around the world to tackle this most challenging pandemic. Leonardo, as a company, has not escaped this emergency. True to its strategic role, we have continued to ensure business continuity, respecting all security and safety standards, both domestically and internationally. 

In this context, a renewed sense of motivation, mutual confidence and solidarity has spread across Leonardo businesses, nationalities and locations around the world with the principal aim of helping people in need. Leonardo employees have understood that this was the moment to help fellow citizens in the most responsible way. 

From Italy to the UK, Poland to the USA, and further afield, Leonardo’s people have raised money for charities and made donations to support the purchase of medical and laboratory equipment, with some giving an hour of their salary to sustain local hospitals. 
Many Leonardo employees in the UK have been providing their support to the NHS, carers and elderly neighbours and have sewed Personal Protective Equipment, bags and scrubs for NHS workers and printed face shields with the 3D additive technology. Others have been knitting and crocheting little “frontline hero bears” to give to children of key workers, including healthcare personnel, to remind them of the amazing work their parents are doing for us all. 

While we have all been forced to quickly adapt and live differently, our great people have been committed to responding to this unprecedented situation through so many positive ways. To the Leonardo people around the world, we give our deepest thanks for the unique way they have responded to the Covid-19 emergency.


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