Rome 07 November 2013
It's the title of the episode of the TV show "Space, History of the Future", which airs on November 8, on Rai Scuola, and that is dedicated to satellites for environmental monitoring and the study of climate change. The cameras get the chance to enter the facilities of Thales Alenia Space, the company engaged in the design and development of radar and optical technologies, that litteraly represent "eyes and ears" allowing satellites a constant surveillance of our Planet from their privileged position in orbit.
In particular, the Satellite Program Manager will tell in video about industry challenges of a special "sentinel" of the environment that is being assembled in the company's clean room company for the European Space Agency: Sentinel- 1A. Part of the European environmental monitoring program Copernicus (GMES) Sentinel- 1A - as lie the "twin" 1B - will be equipped with a radar SAR (Synthetique Aperture Radar), providing users with continuous images, day and night, in all weather conditions. From the mapping of urban areas to risks monitoring from movements of the Earth's surface, from the surveillance of the marine environment, to the study of sea ice, forests and climate change, the Sentinels will be active 24/7 to monitor the health of the Earth.
Thales Alenia Space, European leader in satellite systems and at the forefront of orbital infrastructures , is a joint venture between Thales (67%) and Finmeccanica (33%), and forms with Telespazio the "Space Alliance". Thales Alenia Space is a global benchmark in the field of satellite systems for telecommunications, environmental monitoring and the Earth's climate , defense and security , exploration and scientific research.