Roma 27 October 2014
Eleven days of science, art and interactive fairs, laboratories, conferences, meetings, round tables and special events, all with the aim of making sciences accessible to everyone - to the public of all ages, students and experts alike - thanks to the variety of subjects discussed, the active participation in the initiatives planned and the collaboration with the most important national and international science networks. This the aim of the Genoa Science Festival held in the Ligurian county town from 24th October to 2nd November.
The participation of the Finmeccanica Group at the Festival - this year celebrating its twelfth edition – has been extensive and articulated. In particular, through the interventions of representatives of the businesses at meetings with students, Finmeccanica supported the "Futuro Prossimo" initiative - a project involving students and teachers with a view to facilitating the transition from the world of education to that of work. An opportunity to show the great commitment by the Group to supporting scientific research and innovation, the two cornerstones on which the development of the highly technological services and products Finmeccanica exports all over the world, is hinged.
The subject of “time”, this year proposed by the Festival, was laid out in all its aspects, including that linked to climate change emergency. Under this scope, Telespazio and Thales Alenia Space made the most of the “Il riscaldamento Globale visto dallo Spazio” [Global warming seen from Space] exhibition organised by the French Embassy in Italy at Palazzo della Borsa, to present the action taken to monitor the planet's health using the satellites COSMO-SkyMed, Sentinel and Meteosat. The real stars of the event were the extremely high resolution images prepared by e-GEOS (80% Telespazio, 20% ASI – Agenzia Spaziale Italiana), which every day, in real time, supply signs of the changes underway on the earth.
Thales Alenia Space also participated in the “European Space Expo”, a travelling exhibition organised by the European Commission to spread the culture of Space amongst the citizens of the Union. In particular, during the conference “Autisti marziani-come costruire un robot spaziale e guidarlo su Marte” [Martian drivers - how to build a space robot and guide it on Mars] the company illustrated its experience in robotized space missions; whilst Telespazio, with an intervention in the conference “Dal passato al futuro, viaggio nello spazio” [From past to future, space travel] contributed to the subject of inter-connections between time and astronomy, looking at the forthcoming space challenges that await us.
The particular excellences presented at the Festival included the presentation by Selex ES of the function of the atomic clocks designed for satellite systems as part of the “Il sistema di navigazione Europeo Galileo” [The Galileo European navigation system]. Moreover, during the conference “ Sfide sociali del III millennio e robotica” [Social challenges of the 3rd millennium and robotics], Selex ES focused on the social, ethical and legal aspects of the autonomous systems that are rapidly becoming widespread in social environments, in a way that just a few years ago was entirely unexpected.