Civitavecchia 12 November 2013
Finmeccanica, through its companies AgustaWestland, OTO Melara, Selex ES, WASS, Telespazio, Thales Alenia Space and MBDA, participates at the Campaign of the Naval Group Cavour who leaves Italy to reach the countries of the Arabian Gulf and the African continent. In the Finmeccanica stand, set up on board and on the flight deck, the Group will be showcasing the products of the companies.
AgustaWestland takes part in the Campaign of the Naval Group Cavour strong of its solid presence in the field of naval aviation sector in which the helicopter company of Finmeccanica has significant capacity for developing dedicated solutions. On board there will be Italian Navy NH90 helicopters and AW101, two of the top models in the range of AgustaWestland helicopters for naval use, the larger and more modern now available on the international market.
OTO Melara presents the weapon system 127/64 LW Vulcano characterized by a high rate of fire - up to 35 strokes per minute - by an automatic loading system with the capacity of 56 shots and the ability to use guided munitions family Vulcan. The family of guided munitions "Vulcano" has been expanded over time to include 3 different sizes: 155, 127 and, most recently, 76. STRALES, the evolution of naval guns caliber 76mm which is composed of a naval cannon 76/62, the DART guided ammunition and a radio frequency guidance system with associated electronics .
Selex ES has over 50 years of leadership in the field of naval defense as a supplier and integrator of radar and combat systems. The company has supplied systems and sensors for more than 100 vessels and over 40 customers around the world. In particular, with reference to Cavour ship, the company provided the Combat Operations Centre which houses 32 multifunctional console through which it operates the Combat Management System (CMS) that form the backbone of the entire system - ship, built and integrated by the Finmeccanica company. In the dashboard there is a similar console that shows the main operations of the system of command and control. Through CMS you can manage the many on-board equipment fitted to the aircraft carrier , most of which are supplied by Selex ES , such as the RASS surface radar, the radar for surveillance RAN 40 L, EMPAR multifunction radar, FCS systems - Fire control systems, the system of surveillance infrared SASS.
WASS, a leader in underwater systems, presents the Black Shark heavy torpedo, the A244 light torpedo / S Mod.3, the anti-torpedo countermeasures system C310, sonar BLACK SNAKE, the system of countermeasures anti- submarine torpedo for C303/S and the V- FIDES.
Telespazio will present on the Cavour ship its services as part of integrated communications and geoinformation. The company operates in the field of fixed and mobile telecommunications services and applications with dedicated maritime communications, emergency communications and television services. The company is also active in the field of military telecommunications satellite (Milsatcom), particularly in SICRAL and Athena- Fidus, developing the ground segment and managing the satellite capacity through which provides communications services to NATO countries. On the ship Telespazio will also present the COSMO-SkyMed radar satellite system , funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI ), the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Education, able to operate with its four satellites in all weather, day and night .
MBDA, the world's leading industry of missiles and missile systems, is the only group capable of designing and producing missiles and missile systems capable of meeting the current and future operational requirements of all the armed forces. In total, the group offers a range of 45 missile and countermeasures products already in service and more than 15 in development. Aboard ship Cavour MBDA will show their skills in the field of air defense systems and naval anti-ship. The company will showcase missile models Aspide 2000 Aster 15 and Aster 30, Marte MK2/S and Teseo/Otomat.
The long voyage of the Naval Group Cavour will touch a dozen harbors and will play multiple roles including: humanitarian assistance to the populations, maritime security through and anti-piracy operations and protection of nation shipping market, support for the Marine riparian countries, in cooperation, development and modernization function and support to national foreign policy .
The Naval Group Cavour is composed of:
- Portaerei Cavour
- Logistic support unit Etna
- Fregata Bergamini
- Comandante Borsini