Finmeccanica supports renewable energy

A structured approach to energy management plays a crucial role in Finmeccanica. Through Guarantees of Origin (GO), Finmeccanica supports the development of energy production from renewable sources

Rome  11 May 2014

A structured approach to energy management plays a crucial role in Finmeccanica. Through the  Guarantees of Origin (GO), Finmeccanica supports - on its own initiative - the development of energy production from renewable sources.


In 2014 the amount of GO certificates purchased through the suppliers Azienda Energetica Trading and Metaenergia is equivalent to about 70% of the consumption of the Italian Group Companies, a significant increase compared to the 23% related to 2013 supplies.


The GO certificates have a unit value of 1 MWh and are issued by the Gestore dei Servizi Energetici, a subsidiary of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, after the qualification of renewable energy plants and related testing and measurement of the electric production fed into the network every month.


The Finmeccanica Group, thanks to the GO certificates purchased in 2014, will contribute in a single year to avoid the emission into the atmosphere of more than 184,000 tons of CO2, equivalent to the annual consumption of a town of 177,000 homes, and to the CO2 emitted by almost 77,000 compact cars.


This initiative was made possible thanks to the structured Finmeccanica Global Services' Energy Management model that, through a robust energy procurement process, implemented in collaboration with Azienda Energetica Trading and Metaenergia, enabled the annual allocation of the savings achieved, in activities supporting energy production through green sources.


Responsible consumption and ecological awareness: a commitment to safeguarding the planet and  future generations.