Today, saw the conclusion of the eighth Cyber Security for Infrastructure of Energy & Transport (CSET 2022) conference at Palazzo della Borsa in Genoa, an event completely dedicated to the cyber security of national strategic infrastructure, with a focus on power grids and transportation. Over the course of the two-day panels and round table meetings, companies, institutions, academics and lawyers came together to share their views on the most current critical infrastructure security issues.
On the first day, Leonardo, a gold sponsor of the 2022 conference, was one of the main protagonists, with a stand dedicated to technological solutions for the security and protection of critical infrastructure.
In the opening panel on “Strategic Infrastructure and Digitisation”, Giacomo Speretta, SVP Marketing & International Business at Leonardo Cyber & Security, illustrated the challenges that the transportation, energy and port logistics sectors will need to face to deal with change and achieve cyber security.
A cyber security contest called “Hunt the Threat”, organised in tandem with the Palazzo della Borsa event at the Leonardo Cyber & Security Academy in Genoa, was also held on the first day of the conference. At the end of the contest, a round table discussion, which involved Stefano Bordi, SVP Engineering of Leonardo Cyber & Security and academy Director, and all the participants, took place to analyse and discuss the results.
During the Hunt the Threat contest, members from the different companies competed against each other to ‘hunt down’ cyber threats that could be a potential danger to energy, transportation and port logistics activities. Using a virtual simulation, the teams had to answer a series of questions on analysis and management activities involved in a real cyber security incident.
Using a similar mechanism to the “Capture The Flag” game, the team that answered correctly was awarded one point, while penalty points were deducted for the more complex questions, where Leonardo experts were required to offer suggestions on the potential solutions.
The day ended at the Palazzo della Borsa with a review of what useful things had emerged from the Hunt the Threat competition, which lasted about six hours, well summarised in the words of Stefano Bordi:“Protecting critical infrastructure is something that also, if not entirely, involves people. You only need to think about the fact that the vast majority of cyber security breaches are the result of human error. Consequently, people working in cyber security need to be given regular training opportunities and up-to-dates on such a constantly evolving theme. This is why, in April this year, Leonardo launched the Cyber & Security Academy. A European centre of excellence that offers training experiences to institutions, businesses and players in strategic infrastructure, based on Leonardo's comprehensive approach to cyber security that have been designed not only for security professionals but also those with less expertise.
Today's contest is a concrete demonstration of the effectiveness of the academy’s Human-Tech training approach; an approach that combines technical skills training with the application of teamwork and cooperative behaviours within and between organisations, also through gaming experiences”.
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