Berlin 24 September 2014
Once again this year, the world of Transport met in Berlin at Innotrans 2014, the International Trade Fair for Transport Technology, the world’s biggest event dedicated to the Railways sector. Finmeccanica was present through its subsidiaries AnsaldoBreda, Ansaldo STS, Selex ES and Telespazio, bringing their portfolio of products and cutting-edge technology developed for rail transport to the attention of sector operators from all over the world.
Pride of place went to Ansaldo Breda, this year presenting the new Frecciarossa and the new Copenhagen automatic metro system to the international public. For the entire show period from the 23rd to the 26th of September, the Frecciarossa 1000 was on show for all to see, and for the first time visitors could actually go inside the train. For the urban transport market, the first vehicle of the new Copenhagen automatic metro system, the Cityringen, made a halt at the Berlin fair on its way to Denmark. Ansaldo Breda also presented its Control Room, already operative with Trenitalia on the Italian railway network. This is an operations centre for monitoring and controlling the performance of the trains, their state of maintenance, consumption and costs: in effect a remote control system that makes it possible to provide drivers with real time support in case of technical breakdowns or failures.
Ansaldo STS presented its most advanced technological solutions at Innotrans, developed for both passenger transport and metro/freight networks, focusing in particular on satellite control systems, new generation computerised rail routing and transit systems and the new Tramwave catenary-free electrical power system.
Telespazio, which has been working with Ansaldo STS since 2012 on a “new model” for railway communications, presented the latest developments dedicated to covering communication services, especially over low density sections, like the 3InSat project (Train Integrated Safety Satellite System), part of the European Space Agency Artes program.
The Finmeccanica stand also had a space for Selex ES, presenting its solutions and services developed for the railway industry based on integration of the base automation with surveillance, communication and audio/video analysis systems, including value-added services such as IT security systems and passenger information systems, realised in collaboration with AnsaldoBreda and Ansaldo STS.