In the wake of the Covid-19 health emergency, Leonardo is undertaking a number of initiatives to support those involved in the management and containment of the epidemic and to employees working to keep companies and institutions operating.
One example of this is our Smart Working Cyber Kit. Starting from 6 April, Leonardo will offer 2 months free access to its Threat Intelligence service, specifically developed to help companies improve their defense against cyber threats, a critical issue especially in this phase of greater exposure due to the huge rise in smart working.
The kit, certified by Leonardo's Cyber Security Division, will be delivered to the first 100 companies that apply online. It will allow each business to actively monitor the main cyber threats against their systems, applications and networks used by employees for remote access to companies’ infrastructure.
Along with the recent publication of Leonardo’s twelve guidelines for companies’ IT security and the five best practices for safe behaviour in smart working that each employee should follow, the Smart Working Cyber Kit is the latest step Leonardo is taking to help organisations better protect their IT infrastructure during this period of increased risk.
The Kit provides companies with reports feeded by a Threat Intelligence service capable of tracking open sources (web, deep web, darkweb) in real-time to identify possible cyber threats related to Covid-19 scams or vulnerabilities associated with the systems now coping with the additional demands of smart working. In addition, the kit provides guidelines for all employees to increase their awareness of the vulnerabilities that may arise from the intensive use of smart working and, at the same time, it helps operational teams develop a quick and effective infrastructure assessment. The kit also includes an awareness video for the entire corporate population about smart working, teaching people how to work in a safe and secure manner.