Quality Requirements for Suppliers
The QRS-01 (Quality Requirements for Suppliers) and associated modules QRS-XXX is the Quality Manual applicable to all Suppliers when referred to within a Purchase Order or Agreement, and shall be flowed-down to all Sub-tier Suppliers. The QRS-XXX Modules shall be applied at their latest revision as published below.
All Suppliers must be approved to supply articles. The Aerospace companies are expected to be certified to the EN/AS/JISQ9100 series, as applicable, and the QRS-01 contains specific Leonardo Helicopters requirements that are in addition to these standards.
The use of IAQG documents and guidelines, such as SCMH (Supply Chain Management Handbook), are recommended to supplement the application of QRS-01.
The revised QRS-01 Issue 6 and associated modules are effective immediately for new approved Suppliers and applicable from October 1st, 2020 to all current Suppliers.
Safety Requirements for Suppliers
The SRS-01 (Safety Requirements for Suppliers) and associated modules SRS-XXX is the Safety Manual applicable to all Suppliers when referred to within a Purchase Order or Agreement, and shall be flowed-down to all Sub-tier Suppliers. The SRS-XXX Modules shall be applied at their latest revision as published below.
All Suppliers must be approved to supply articles. The SRS-01 contains specific Leonardo Helicopters requirements consistent with ICAO Annex 19 framework and European Regulations time schedule.
The use of documents and guidelines, such as SM-0001 SMS International Industry Standard, are recommended to supplement the application of SRS-01.
The SRS-01 Issue 0 and associated modules are effective immediately for new approved Suppliers and applicable from December 2nd 2022 for Part 145 certified Suppliers and from March 7th, 2023 for Part 21 certified Suppliers. A transition period of 2 years will be allowed to complete the implementation, at the end of which the Findings have to be closed.
The certified Suppliers will need to comply with the revised Leonardo supplier qualification process that will include also Safety Requirements.
Regarding non certified Suppliers, Leonardo Helicopters proposes a voluntary implementation of safety requirements (reference SRS-101/102) through a two phase approach (Basic and Advanced) with a suggested two years implementation period in line with the requirements of the certified suppliers. The Suppliers willing to pursue this approach will need to notify their interest to the LH Procurement that will re-launch the qualification process for their company.
Furthermore, in the coming months, Leonardo Helicopters will engage Key Suppliers to improve the current contractual agreements based on supplier characteristics and performance on airworthiness and safety issues.
E-learning Platform
Here you will find the link to new Supplier e-learning Platform, to be trained on QRS-01 and SRS-01 to facilitate the understanding and implementation of quality and safety requirements.
This is a platform where LH approved suppliers and suppliers under approval can take free training on QRS-01 and SRS-01, with final test and attendance for each QRS-XXX and SRS-XXX modules.
Registration link:
Access link for already registered users:
The registration and link are valid for both courses. The user must select the course first and then the relevant modules within the course.
All LH suppliers are encouraged to register and attend the training.
Check the FAQ section for additional information (purpose, how it works, who can apply and how)
QRS-01 Issue 6 and associated modules
Manufacturers of Non-Airborne Equipment for LH Engineering (Issue 00)
SRS-01 Issue 00 and associated modules
Additional Data
Here below the Program Additional Requirements:
NH90 Contractual Quality Assurance Requirements supplier flowdown document
AW609 Conformity Requirements for Suppliers (Issue E)
QAS100 Issue 5
QA-PZL-141 Additional Customer requirements for PZL Suppliers_ Rev 02
QRSK-01 - Quality requirements for AW09 suppliers (11028268/ Rev C)
Here below the LH supporting documentation for SRS-101&102 implementation:
1 Safety Policy & Objectives - Issue 0
2 Safety Culture Principles - Issue 0
3 Safety Management System (SMS) Manual Principles - Issue 0
4 Safety Manual Template - Issue 0
5 SRM Principles & Tools - Issue 0
6 SA Principles & Tools - Issue 0
Supplier Quality restricted area for certificated supplier users only
The content is visible only to authenticated Leonardo Helicopter Division Approved Supplier.
List of Approved Processing (Special Processes/NDT) Companies
If you are an Leonardo Helicopter Division Approved Supplier:
Sign in or register for access.
If you already have a logon but cannot see any content, go to Change your profile and select the “Apply for role” tab and request "Role Supp Quality Area". The request will be reviewed by the Leonardo Helicopter Division Quality website owner and, if approved, will be allocated to you.
The content is visible only to authenticated Leonardo Helicopter Division Approved Supplier.
List of Approved Raw Material Suppliers
If you are an Leonardo Helicopter Division Approved Supplier:
- Sign in or register for access.
- If you already have a logon but cannot see any content, go to Change your profile and select the “Apply for role” tab and request "Role Supp Quality Area". The request will be reviewed by the Leonardo Helicopter Division Quality website owner and, if approved, will be allocated to you.
Supplier Quality restricted area for certificated supplier users only
The content is visible only to authenticated Leonardo Helicopter Division Approved Supplier.
If you are an Leonardo Helicopter Division Approved Supplier:
- Sign in or register for access.
- If you already have a logon but cannot see any content, go to Change your profile and select the “Apply for role” tab and request "Role Supp Quality Area". The request will be reviewed by the Leonardo Helicopter Division Quality website owner and, if approved, will be allocated to you.
As required by the §8.2.1 – sub-paragraph ‘Personnel performing NDT’, QRS-01 Issue 06:
‘The Supplier’s Responsible NDT Level 3 shall be identified and notified to the LH Corporate NDT Responsible Level 3. Similarly, the Sub-Tier’s Responsible NDT Level 3 shall be identified and notified to the LH Corporate NDT Responsible Level 3 by the Supplier.’
In order to comply with this requirement, the Supplier shall submit all of the documented information listed below:
- Level 3 certificate of the Supplier’s Responsible Level 3 in accordance with EN4179/NAS410,
- Formal appointment letter as Responsible Level 3 issued by the Employer (Supplier Company),
- Written Practice approved by the Supplier’s Responsible Level 3 and including Leonardo Helicopters additional requirements, when applicable,
to the following e-mail address:
Quality Approval and Provisions
SQA’s main responsibilities include:
- Provision of specialist Quality input to the Leonardo Helicopters Supplier Selection Process.
- Evaluation of all new suppliers of products, software and aerospace services ensuring the Supplier’s Quality Management System is compliant with Leonardo Helicopters requirements.
- Re-evaluation of suppliers of products, software and aerospace services (in conjunction with Leonardo Helicopters Supply Chain Engineering) ensuring suppliers have the capability to maintain compliance with Leonardo Helicopters requirements.
- Maintenance of the Leonardo Helicopters Approved Supplier Database.
- Provision of supporting Quality documentation to the Leonardo Helicopters global supplier base.
Quality Assurance requirements
for the fulfilment of the order, the supplier shall comply with Leonardo Helicopter Division suppliers' quality manual (qrs 01)* and all the procedures quoted by reference in the same. the above manual applies to all the direct material supplies. in the event the order is placed on an agent or commercial organization, the latter shall assure the supplier/manufacturer that will effectively execute the supply, shall apply the quality assurance provisions hereinafter set forth.
- For the duration of the Order, the Supplier shall ensure the application of the Quality Level recognized by Leonardo Helicopter Division exclusively for the scope of the qualification.
- With reference to the peculiarity of the supply in Order, Leonardo Helicopter Division reserves the right to implement a specific Quality Plan or Supply Control Plan.
- Both during and after the completion of the Order, the Supplier undertakes to promptly provide Leonardo Helicopter Division with information on continuous airworthiness concerning the materials supplied.
- In the event Leonardo Helicopter Division deems useful to execute an on-site test, the Supplier shall notify Leonardo Helicopter Division the beginning of the acceptance test with ten day notice.
- The Supplier shall assure free access to Leonardo Helicopter Division representatives and ,as applicable, to its customers and/or Military and Civil Authorities.
- The Supply must be manufactured in compliance with the configuration and quality provisions required by the Order. Any change shall be approved in writing in advance by Leonardo Helicopter Division
- Parts/assemblies shall be identified and serialised as required by applicable technical/ manufacturing documentation.
- Complete Supply traceability shall be ensured from incoming material/component to end product.
- All items delivered to Leonardo Helicopter Division must be preserved, packed and shipped according to the Order requirements or, if not specified, to the best commercial rules (ref. MIL-P-116). Item subject to shelf life must be delivered with at least ¾ of full life. Parts and/or single packages and relevant Certificates of Conformances shall indicate, as applicable: cure date, batch/lot number, assembly date, expiry date.
- Every Supply shall be always delivered with a Certificate of Conformity to the Order requirements as per "Annex B" of AQAP-2070 or equivalent document containing, at least, the same information.
- Items from a "Stockist/Distributor" must be always delivered with Certificate of Conformity and copy of the original Certificate of Manufacturer.
- * The entire quality documentation concerning the accomplishment of the Order is available on this web site
- ** The provisions of clauses 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, do not apply to indirect materials.
PARTICULAR PROVISIONS (in addition to the General Provisions)
Write the two digits of the Quality Codes reported in the Purchase Order line item in order to get explanation of the appropriate meaning.
For new approved Suppliers, they will be applicable immediately.
A configuration log showing the list of the current QRS-XXX revisions (including Attachments, Appendixes and Forms) is published in the QRS webpage. This log highlights the changed documents.
- Issue of a new Module (QRS-130), to facilitate and improve Flowdown of LH Requirements to Sub-Tier Suppliers. This document shall be part of contractual requirements between Suppliers and their Sub-Tiers
- New requirements for prevention of counterfeit Electrical, Electronic, Electromechanical (EEE) Parts (QRS-01 Appendix 4)
- Provisions for delivering certified Articles with EASA Form 1 (or equivalent, e.g. 8130-3) “Prototype” and “New” at every stage of technical data approval (QRS01 Main Document, QRS-110, QRS-
108) - FOD Prevention Program requirements (QRS-01 Main document).
QRS-01 GAP ANALYISIS Issue 6, June 2020
Any other contact referred to in the contract shall be put in copy. Further details can be found in QRS-107.
It is acceptable to physically record the embodiment of minor changes through the use of `Mod Strike’ plates or by other traceable means. Ref QRS-115 para The CofC shall include “modification status”, Ref QRS-01 para. 13.1. It is also recommended to include “modification status” on package labelling.
In other situations, the Quality Plan is required by Supplier Quality Assurance or by Procurement, following specific communication received by the Supplier. An example is the Quality Plan supporting permanently or temporarily work transfer.
In all other cases, the Supplier has directly to submit the Quality Plan to LH in order to document how he intends to fulfil LH Contractual requirements, to document any deviations and align his Quality Management System to LH Requirements.
The revised QP needs to be resubmitted to LH. Anyway, the Supplier has to regularly update the Annexes of the QP and to submit them to LH.
Registration link: https://qrs01supplier.leonardocompany.com/moodle/local/selfregistration/index.php
Access link for already registered users: https://QRS01supplier.leonardocompany.com
Once you are profiled and access is granted, you can take training on each QRS-XXX module, as applicable for your scope of approval, take a final questionnaire and get a certificate for each module. Access is possible for Suppliers already approved, Suppliers under approval and new candidates for Approval. Enrolment is also open to Regulatory Authorities, Customers, Certification Bodies and other Organizations/Guests providing an acceptable reason.
When access is granted, all the functionalities are enabled. At the end of the training, all are encouraged to complete a feedback survey questionnaire.
For a specific Supplier, multiple access is allowed (several employees can apply) in order to encourage and facilitate spread of training and awareness as necessary within their Organization.
Where a “Supplier SAP code” is requested during the enrolment, please type the 21XXXXXX code that you can find in your statement of approval or in any Purchase Order. In case you are not an approved supplier (or for other organizations), this field is not applicable and can be left empty.
- Qualification Test Procedures (ENV/EMC)
- Qualification by similarity Report
- ATP during qualification tests
- Test Article Conformity (TAC)
- Test Authorization Form (TAF)
- Software Configuration Index for Environmental/EMC EFA Test (Description, Problem Reports, Limitations, etc.)
- Hardware Configuration Index
HW EFA Qualification:
- Hardware Configuration Index (Updated with possible limitations)
- Preliminary Declaration of Designed Performance (PDDP) (only of HW part number if SW is field loadable)
SW TRR (Release of EFA SW):
- SW Test Proposal
- Software Configuration Index
SW EFA Qualification (linked to System Flight Readiness Review): The SW EFA release must be the same release submitted at the SW TRR*
- Software Configuration Index updated with possible limitations detected during formal tests
- SW Test Report
- PDDP of SW part number (only if SW is field loadable)
* The SW TRR and the SW EFA reviews will be performed on the same software baseline, the TRR aiming to finalize the tests definitions, the EFA review aiming to collect test results and known limitations. If before tests execution software modifications are requested, a new TRR review and new software baseline definition is mandatory, before executing the software EFA review.
1. Background
The Italian MoD have issued the AER.P-145 regulation, based on the EMAR145 regulation released by EDA, which imposes that all the part delivered to the Italian Armed Forces after MRO activities shall be released by the Airworthiness Certificate EMAR Form 1. For dual use parts, EASA Form 1 or equivalent is considered acceptable.
In order to do so, a supplier is requested to obtain the EMAR certification, directly through the Italian MoD or through a national Military Airworthiness Authority, provided there is a mutual recognition between the Countries.
Whereas such mutual recognition is not yet in place or for specific vendors agreed with the Italian MoD (e.g. Low volume, few involved P/N’s), LHD will release the relevant EMAR Form1, based on its own approval.
2. Rationale
LHD shall show compliance with the EMAR145 regulation in terms of surveillance of the vendors, therefore the following policy shall be applied:
a) The vendor shall provide a QAP, in the terms and forms decided by LHD, describing the compliance of the extant Quality System to the requirement set for in the draft QAP, based on the EMAR 145 requirement. It is not requested to prepare a specific Maintenance Organization
Exposition nor attend specific training courses;
b) LHD will periodically audit the vendor to verify such compliance;
c) LHD reserves the right to perform witnessing of the test of the part to verify the compliance of the process.
3. Delivery of the parts
After formal approval of the QAP, each parts shall be delivered with a set of documentation including, but not limited to, CoC, Work Report, Test Report, list of applied modification (SB) and repair, to allow LHD verify the physical status of the component and the configuration achieved.